CUT. Björn is sprinting through a trench, wearing a uniform, heavy boots on his feet and a rifle in his hand - he is a German soldier in a WW I movie (Style see. 1917) running for his life. He makes his way through his fellow soldiers. Did anyone see a young Black man? "Attack!" The trench is under fire. Suddenly Björn notices Eliah on the horizon in an enemy squad, marching relentlessly toward the trench. Without hesitation, he climbs out. And although his comrades are trying to hold him back, he runs towards the enemy squad. He drops his rifle - it's only a few more yards before he reaches Eliah. CUT. Everyone is back in the trenches. Two comrades grab Björn, push him onto a stretcher and lash the straps so he can no longer move. A bloody bandage is tied around his head. Desperately he is trying to break free, screaming, begging to untie him, but the soldiers are not listening, and his voice is drowned under the cannon fire. "Attack!" Just a few feet away from him collapses the body of a Black soldier. Björn screams for Eliah. His face is covered in blood, but when Eliah hears the familiar voice he opens his eyes. With last strength he lifts his riffle and pulls the trigger. Suddenly, one of the comrades stumbles, Eliah’s shot stroke his leg and the stretcher hits the ground. With gritted teeth Björn crawls to the injured body. He is dead. Sobbing and exhausted, Björn lies next to him. He turns his head, to kiss him but - CUT.
CUT. A Technoclub, Neonlights. Björn is an “old drunk”, sitting in front of the door. You don’t know it yet, but we are in a modern Splatter film. Björn looks around and notices that the main action takes place inside the club. On the stage is Eliah, voguing with other dancers. Björn rushes towards the door, but the bouncer stops him. Without hesitation, Björn strips off his dirty sweater, randomly grabs a feather boa from the coat rack and pushes his way into the club. This time he wants to do it right. He has to blend in with the crowd to get to Eliah. Across the room over the heads of the dancing people Björn catches Eliah's eye. He begins to move, and as if dancing in slow motion, the two make their way toward each other. Eliah stops dancing, and smiles. They hold each other close and are about to kiss. A small girl in a nightgown steps onto the stage in the middle of the club.