Valentina is alone in the indoor pool. She looks at her watch, it’s past 10PM. She stares at the door, Andrea is nowhere to be found. As she is about to leave the facility, Valentina walks into the equipment room and finds Andrea sitting on a bench holding a DUMBELL over his head, pointed at his knee. They see one another, like helpless deer. Put it down, Andrea. He is bloodshot, nervous. She inches towards him. Finally Andrea lowers the dumbbell, giving up. He cries, ashamed of himself. Valentina holds him like he is her child. There is a sense of enjoyment in her expression, of purpose. This position of cradling him begins to hurt Valentina’s back. She cannot help but wince. She lets go of him and lays on the bench trying to control her pain. Andrea kneels by her. They both breathe together. They are close to one another, intimate. Valentina manages to clear her mind from the pain, the room becomes clear again. He begins to position her body to crack her back. Valentina protests but he says she’s done it to him a million times, he knows what to do. She is in position, bracing herself. You could kill me. He says, So could you. She lets him take over, directing her breathing, how to move. Then, crack! Valentina lets out a huge sigh of relief. She walks around, making sure everything feels right. She takes his hand, thanking him for helping her. He says, You are a good coach. She looks at him, I can make it look like an accident, your injury.
Moments later, Valentina is teaching Andrea the exact movement he needs to make during the game in order to tear his ACL in his knee. They practice the movement slowly. Andrea doubts his ability to make it look accidental. You will hear a pop when it happens, but you must twist your body like you’re changing running directions, leaving your foot planted on the ground.